Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Enjoy Authentic Italian Coffee at Barista Lavazza

Every morning every coffee drinker desires to have a perfectly brewed cup of coffee. It has been a part of most people’s morning routine and without a cup of coffee their routine remains somewhat incomplete. Coffee can be enjoyed and appreciated in a variety of ways by coffee lovers. People even love to enjoy cold and hot coffee outside their home at various coffee shops and cafes.

For daily coffee drinkers who see an espresso or black coffee as a staple daily drink, for them a variation in existing flavor or an addition and beautification in the original form is not that much appealing. But for others different flavors will add a new tinge to the whole coffee experience.

Barista Lavazza, a leading Indian café that delivers a truly Italian coffee experience with authentic flavors and tastes of coffee in a comfortable, pleasant and affable environment to start an interesting and never ending conversation. Here attachment to the Italian roots is the main reason to use the authentic Italian methods to extract the flavor and aroma of coffee beans. At Barista Lavazza serving a perfect coffee is the heart of every coffee and every cup of coffee is brewed using the actual espresso method that is why it has been voted superbrand, consistently for two years. Lavazza is the sixth largest coffee roaster in the world and has a share of 46.5% in the Italian retail market and it operates in over 80 countries.

At Barista Lavazza, Espresso making is treated as an art and it is handled with great care, attention & skills to make the perfect brew. A rigorous training is provided to all the brew masters to ensure the passion of coffee making. The training is conducted by trainers to bring out the best output who have been trained by Italian brew masters. The flavor, aroma, crème and texture of espresso collectively make up a perfect cup of hot coffee. In the art of coffee making Barista is a certified spot, which certainly offers a perfect cup of coffee to its guests and always try to ensure this consistency in the espresso delivery. Other than coffee culture that involves low calorie coffee, hot coffee, healthy tea etc., toothsome food is also delivered here that includes the wide range of puffs, sandwiches, wraps, soups and various deserts and cakes with delicious coffee companions like muffins, doughnuts, chocolate chip cakes and cookies.

1 comment:

  1. Giving a head start to my day with Lavazza helps me to stay fresh for whole day..nice post thanks for sharing it..
